Is it time to rewrite your story?

The truth is simple: You DO deserve to live an extraordinary life, regardless of the challenges you’ve faced.


  • heal the pain that comes up to sabotage your relationships
  • get out of overwhelm and into action
  • move procrastination to the side
  • express yourself in a career you love and grow wealth in a healthy way;
  • make courageous decisions even when you don’t know how things will work out, trusting you can figure it out;
  • experience a healthy relationship that is supportive, fulfilling, even if that's not been your past;
  • learn to love yourself and see your worth as a person;
  • create healthy boundaries and stop wasting time and energy on people-pleasing to avoid conflict, keep the peace or avoid rejection. 

Feeling stuck is a signal that you’ve stopped growing. 

That an area of your life needs attention and needs to be cleaned up.

Not achieving the results you want in life isn't the problem.


It lies in the underlying habits and behaviours that hold you back, sabotaging your progress and leaving you feeling stuck, frustrated, often exhausted, and unfulfilled.  

The problem lies in the parts of you that you have rejected and hide away from yourself and the world. Your shadow.

This program is going to help you get to the roots of what's really going on and it's going to help you learn how to move forwards with new beliefs, habits and actions that will transform your life and relationships.

"You don’t have to become a better you to be liked, be loved, get your needs met, or have a good life. You just have to be you. It is actually all the things that you have tried to become or tried to eliminate or hide about you that have gotten in your way all these years. My profound wish is that you will rediscover, accept, embrace love - and be - YOU." Dr Robert Glover

Social proof: testimonials

“This work with Andy has done more for me than any amount of therapy I’ve had over my life. I can honestly say working with Andy has changed my life. The breakthroughs I have had have been transformative. If you need to make a change and move yourself and your life forwards, make a full commitment to do this work and you won’t regret it. My friend said “6 months ago you looked tortured and now you look happy and calm and relaxed.”


“It is hard to put into words how brilliant this course is! This course offers an opportunity to explore what is getting in the way of the life you want or the life you do not know you want yet! Andy is an authentic coach that de-shames and guides you to the places that are tricky to get to on your own and hold with compassion - the stuff that gets in your way! Like an onion, you gently peel away the layers using a combination of intellectual understanding, tuning into the body and regulating the nervous system, transformative breath and energy work."”


“The course is really well structured and unfolds in a way that is easy to understand and apply. It has everything you need to know about how to make changes to your life that will last and the theory is supported by live group breathwork, meditations and journaling prompts. You have to do the work but it’s all there is you’re willing to invest the time in yourself.”


“When I came to this course I had just had a bad relationship split and felt it was time to change. I was struggling with difficult feelings and getting over the relationship. Now I'm in a completely different place. And in fact one month after completing the course I found someone new and I'm not going back to the old patterns I used before in relationships.”


“Becoming YOU with Andy allows us to really examine our inner workings and recognise patterns of behaviour so that we may better pick and choose healthy ones over unhealthy ones.”


“Before the program I was feeling dysregulated. Felt like an imposter at work and struggling with infertility and what that all means. I feel more regulated. Feel more confident at work. Honouring myself and my needs which is an amazing place for me to be!”


“My favourite model (they were all brilliant) was The journey to Individuation. Starting to see how we have been shaped, how we project our expectations onto others. We can start to notice this and give back what no longer serves us or what is not ours back. I also found thinking about energy and taking it back at the end of each day extremely helpful. ”


Course Curriculum

    1. Welcome to Becoming YOU 2.0

    2. Let's Begin at the Beginning. Where are you now?

    3. Your Daily Mindful Awareness Tool Incl 2 Questions of Clarity PLUS

    4. Patience, Self-Reflection & 'Maitri' (friendliness)

    5. Rituals - Putting Together a Morning Routine

    6. Bonus Reading: The Benefits of Gratitude Article

    7. Bonus: The Process of Personal Growth

    8. Module 1 - Cultivating Friendliness Prompts

    9. Module 1 - The Practice of Presence

    1. Identity & Personality - an Introduction

    2. The Process of Thinking (This is Juicy!)

    3. The Process of Change

    4. Self-Reflection Journaling Task

    5. The Brain's Evolution Humans Need Human Connection

    6. Meditation: I Am Safe

    1. The Role of Emotions

    2. Your Emotional Blueprint, How Attachment Forms

    3. Emotions & The Body & The Autonomic Nervous System: Dysregulation / Self-Regulation / Co-Regulation

    4. Module 3 - Energy & Anger Release Exercises *Practical

    5. Calm Yourself Down with 4/7/8 Breath

    1. Types of Sabotaging (perfectionism/comparison & more) and How We Unconsciously 'Fit in' to Our Families

    2. An Introduction to the Inner Child

    3. Your Inner Child & Your Nervous System

    4. Inner Child & Relationships

    1. An Introduction to the Reparenting Model

    2. Connecting to Your Inner Child to Begin Healing

    3. Reparenting - Creating a New 'Ideal' Internal Mother & Father

    4. How to Move From Doubt & Fear & Feeling Stuck: Letter Writing - Reparenting in Action.

    1. An Introduction to the Process of Individuation

    2. Deep Work: Self-Enquiry begins the Process of Individuation (separation)

    3. Boundaries, Seeing Yourself as an Individual, and Taking Personal Responsibility

    4. Your Future Self (Your Ideal Self)

    5. Projections. How You Set Yourself Up and How You Unconsciously Set Others Up = Expectations

    6. Bonus - Tips to Handle Others' Opinions & Projections

    7. Module 6 - Journaling Prompts

    8. Module 6 - Meditation: Loving Kindness

    9. Module 6 - Growth Mindset Mantras

About this course

  • 48 lessons

Discover your potential, starting today

Insecurity and irritability are just the tip of the iceberg… Yet the more you explore your shadow, the more likely it is that that qualities you’ve disowned are actually the qualities you need to close the gap between the person you are right now and the person you want to be.

Take the next step towards the empowering, inspiring fearless life you really want to be living.

It's time to create a future you DO want. You really can move forwards in your life. You can move on and not look back. This is a self-development programme like no other. It's time for you to take that next step to discover your potential, starting today!